Monday 31 July 2017

Start a New Life | I Have Seen God’s Loveliness (Official Music Video)


I hear a voice familiar calling me now and then.

Awakened and look to see, who is there speaking.

His voice is soft but stern, His image beautiful!

Sunday 30 July 2017

The Voice of Salvation | Guitar Playing "God Treasures One Who Can Listen to His Word and Obey Him"

In God’s eyes, whether a man is great or small, as long as he can listen to God’s word, obey God’s commandment and commission, cooperate with God’s work, and cooperate with God’s will and God’s plan,

Thursday 27 July 2017

Almighty God Uses His Word to Save Man - "The Main Purpose of God's Work in the Flesh" (Music Video)

1. God comes into flesh for the main purpose to make man see God’s practical deeds. He realizes the formless Spirit in the flesh so that man can touch and see Him. In this way, people made complete by Him can be those who live out Him.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

"I Will Love God to Eternity" (Official Music Video)


O God! Your words have led me back to You.

I accept training in Your kingdom day and night.

So many trials and pains, so many tribulations.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

"All Nations and All Peoples Praise Almighty God" (MV)

God was incarnated as Almighty God, expressing the truth to judge and purify man.

Now God has gained victory over the forces of Satan, God has conquered and gained a group of people.

Monday 24 July 2017

"Our Church Life Is So Lovely" (Official Music Video)

Almighty God incarnate, we sing loud praises to You.

You bring us into the kingdom life.

We kingdom people are at Your rich banquet,

enjoying Your words, being cleansed of our corruption.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Love God Without Complaints | "Follow God Along the Rough Path" (Official Music Video)


You spend yourself for God, I devote myself to Him,

forsaken by family, slandered by the world.

The path to follow God is not easy at all.

I put all my heart and soul into expanding the kingdom of God.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Resolve to be Born Again - "Offer Love to God" (Official Music Video)

Offer Love to God

God became flesh and came among us.

He’s suffered all humiliations for saving us.

But I didn’t know Him, misunderstood and complained against Him.

My repeated rebelliousness and resistance grieved His heart so much.

Friday 21 July 2017

Glory to God | Praise Dance "Singing of the Millennial Kingdom Descending Among Men"

The New Jerusalem has descended from heaven; God’s word has appeared in the flesh. God’s chosen people witness with their own eyes that everything God says is accomplished and fulfilled one after the other, and that God’s word is reigning on the whole earth. The long-awaited Millennial Kingdom has descended to earth. All God’s people are heartily enjoying God’s abundance and proclaiming God’s word. They are singing and dancing to praise the arrival of the day that God is glorified.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Face to Face With God | Street Dance "The Holy Spiritual Body of Almighty God Has Appeared"

Almighty God has been seated on the glorious throne, appearing to all nations and all peoples with His righteous and majestic disposition. God is all-encompassing, with the bountiful supply. We are face to face with Him every day, we have new seeing and new light every day. So we’re freed from all the worldly entanglements and live in the light of God.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Kingdom Life Is Wonderful | Praise and Worship "Dance Around the Throne"

Almighty GodChrist of the last days—has come to the world personally. He uses the word to renew and change all things and thus brings the wonderful life in the kingdom to mankind. God’s people have returned before God and are revived again. They sing and dance joyfully around God’s throne, praising God for His gaining glory.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Endless Praise | Latin Dance ''Praise the Accomplishment of God’s Work"

God’s wisdom and almightiness are shown forth in the change and renewal of all things. The people of God sing and dance to praise the accomplishment of God’s work. At this time, human beings have cast away their filth and corruption amidst the work of God, thus submitting to God and living out the reality of God’s word. They can accept God’s commission and bear witness to God’s faithfulness and righteousness, and have true praise for God in their real experience.

Monday 17 July 2017

Glory to God | Chinese Drumming "Millennial Kingdom God’s Purpose"

The Millennial Kingdom has come, and all mysteries have been revealed. All peoples come to seek the true light and submit before the throne of the true God. The whole earth is full of joyous exaltation. The people of God are drumming and singing to praise God, which presents an inspiring and joyful picture….

Sunday 16 July 2017

Praise God Forever Without Ceasing | Xinjiang Dance "Let’s See Who Testifies God Better"


True Almighty God, I love You. I’ll sing a praise song,

do a lively dance, to offer to You, Almighty God.

We can praise You today—this was predestined by God.

The true God has conquered our hearts. We’ll all praise Him heartily.

Brothers and sisters, let’s dance eagerly and sing a praise song happily.

The reason why I dance so is that my heart—loves God!

Saturday 15 July 2017

Praise God With Drum and Dance | Chinese Drumming & Street Dance "The Holy Kingdom Has Appeared"


The sun of righteousness shines over all the earth, and all things are revived.

God’s people come together, joyfully singing and dancing to celebrate victory.

Praise the success of God’s work. The whole earth is full of joy and laughter.

Praise the success of God’s work. The whole earth is full of joy and laughter. Ah hey!

Friday 14 July 2017

Ballet Dance “If I Were Not Saved by God”

Behold, God’s people are telling you God’s salvation with their light and graceful dance: Only under God’s guidance can man regain the direction for life after getting lost and step onto the bright journey. Only by God’s salvation can man break free from the bondage of sin and understand the value and meaning of his existence. Finally, man appreciates God’s good intentions and beholds God’s love and concern for him. He will not rebel against or misunderstand God any further, but only wishes to follow God all his life and devote his whole being to the work of God.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Mighty To Save | “During the Last Days, God Principally Uses the Word to Accomplish All”

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has expressed a variety of truths. He leads the whole of mankind with the word, which accomplishes the actual significance of the Word appearing in the flesh. From Almighty God’s word, people come to know God’s work, God’s disposition, and what God has and is, see God’s supremacy, wisdom, and almightiness, and also understand God’s kind intention for man’s salvation. … In the end, God’s word will show authority and let all people see that “God is as good as His word, and His word shall be accomplished, and that which is accomplished lasts forever,” and that God’s word accomplishes everything!

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Experience God’s True Love | Praise and Worship "Song of Sweet Love"


Deep in my heart, it is Your love. So sweet, I get close to You.

Caring about You sweetens my heart; serving You with all my mind.

Guiding my heart, it is Your love; I follow Your footsteps of love.

I shift myself according to Your eyes; love’s showing my heart’s joy.

Love’s showing my heart’s joy.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

New Heaven and Earth Has Appeared "The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God"

New heaven, new earth, and new age; the entire universe is rejoicing.

New people, new things, and new kingdom; all God’s people along with all things are praising Him.

New songs, new dances, and new life; brothers and sisters are singing and extolling the accomplishment of God’s work.

Monday 10 July 2017

Welcome the Return of the Lord Jesus | Praise and Worship "The Happiness in the Good Land of Canaan"

“The Happiness in the Good Land of Canaan” is a cheerful experience hymn, expressive of the excitement and joy of all those who have accepted Almighty God is work in the last days.

Sunday 9 July 2017

Tai Chi Dance | “The Significance of the Appearance of God”

The new kingdom hymn “The Significance of the Appearance of God” is performed through Tai Chi Dance, which is special and fluent. It gently tells you the true significance of God’s work and word in His two incarnations. With green grass and blue sky as background, the dance perfectly corresponds to a soft, melodious ensemble of Zheng and Xiao, the discourse between classical musical instruments. The smooth melody, like heavenly music, takes you away from the noisy world to the Creator to enjoy His words of life in the new age!

Saturday 8 July 2017

Welcome the Return of the Lord Jesus | Praise and Worship "God Has Brought His Glory to the East"

God gave His glory to Israel then moved it away from there,

bringing the Israelites and bringing all men to the East.

God has led them all to the “light”

so that they may be reunited and associate with light,

no longer have to search, search for the light.

Friday 7 July 2017

Love God Forever | Praise and Worship "God’s True Love"

Today I come before God again, and see His lovely face.

La la la la la la.

Today I come before God again, and say goodbye to my drifting past.

Saturday 1 July 2017

Almighty God's Word "How Peter Came to Know Jesus" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God says, "During his time following Jesus, he had many opinions of Him and always judged Him from his own perspective.

God's Word Leads Man to Live a New Life | "Our Church Life Is So Lovely" (Official Music Video)

      Our Church Life Is So Lovely

Almighty God incarnate, we sing loud praises to You.
You bring us into the kingdom life.
We kingdom people are at Your rich banquet,
enjoying Your words, being cleansed of our corruption.
Your word leads us and we follow You closely.
It’s God’s grace that our satanic disposition is shaken off.
We enjoy God’s word and live a new life before Him.
Care for God’s heart, truly love Him, thank and praise Him.
La la la la la ... la la la la la ...