Saturday 12 August 2017

God Himself, the Unique I God’s Authority (I)|The Church of Almighty God

God Himself, the Unique I  God’s Authority (I)|The Church of Almighty God

Now let us begin to read the following scriptures from the Bible.

1. God Uses Words to Create All Things

1) (Gen 1:3-5) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Friday 11 August 2017

God Himself, the Unique I God’s Authority (I)|The Church of Almighty God

God Himself, the Unique I  God’s Authority (I)|The Church of Almighty God

     My last several fellowships were about God’s work, God’s disposition, and God Himself. After hearing these fellowships, do you feel that you have gained an understanding and knowledge of God’s disposition? How great of an understanding and knowledge? Can you put a number to it?

Thursday 10 August 2017

You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day|The Church of Almighty God

You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day|The Church of Almighty God

     The entirety of the work over the 6,000 years has gradually changed along with the times. The shifts in this work have occurred according to the entire world’s circumstances. God’s management work has only gradually transformed according to the developmental trends of humanity as a whole;

Wednesday 9 August 2017

God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind|The Church of Almighty God

God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind|The Church of Almighty God

     As members of the human race and devout Christians, it is the responsibility and obligation of us all to offer up our mind and body for the fulfillment of God’s commission, for our entire being came from God, and it exists thanks to the sovereignty of God.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Heart's Voice of a Created Human - "I'm Willing to Perform My Duty Faithfully" (Music Video)|The Church of Almighty God


Dear practical God, You do love me,

lifting me from the dunghill, judging me with Your word.

I’ve been purified, now I live a life of happiness.

From the bottom of my heart, I felt You raised me up.

Monday 7 August 2017

Seek the Bright Life - "I'm Resolved to Follow God" (Official Music Video)|The Church of Almighty God


Holding faith so long, now I see the light.

Experienced ups and downs, persecutions and hardships.

Happiness and sorrows, garment wet with tears.

Countless nights, stayed awake and prayed.

Sunday 6 August 2017

New Life in the Kingdom - "Right Here, Right Now, We Get Together" (Official Music Video)|The Church of Almighty God


Loving each other, we are family. Ah … ah….

Right here, right now, we get together; a gathering of people loving God.

Without bias, closely attached, happiness and sweetness filling our hearts.

Yesterday we left regret and guilt; today we understand each other, live in God’s love.

Saturday 5 August 2017

Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst the Management of God|The Church of Almighty God

Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst the Management of God|The Church of Almighty God

        Everyone feels that the management of God is strange, because people think that the management of God is completely unrelated to man. They think that this management is the work of God alone, is God’s own business, and so mankind is indifferent to the management of God.

Friday 4 August 2017

Love Never Fails | Xiaozhen’s Story | Musical Drama|The Church of Almighty God

     Xiao Zhen used to be a pure, kind-hearted Christian, who always treated her friends sincerely. However, when it was to their benefit, her former friends became her enemies.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Welcome God's Return Faithfully - "O God, You Know I'm Missing You" (Official Music Video)|The Church of Almighty God


My heart’s deeply attached to You. But I feel unworthy of Your love.

Too humble to be in the presence of You, how worried and uneasy I am!

I can only make up my mind; offer my whole being to You.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Love God All My Life - "My Beloved, Please Wait for Me" (Official Music Video)|The Church of Almighty God


The moon climbs quietly on the tips of the trees. Its light is as pretty as my beloved.

Where are You, my beloved? Have You heard my cries?

Who but You will give me love? Who but You will worry for me?

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Be Faithful to The End - "I Wish to See the Day God Gains Glory" (Official Music Video)|The Church of Almighty God


Today I suffer for God; tomorrow I will inherit God is blessings.

To see the day God gains glory, I’m willing to give up my youth and offer up my whole life.

Ah! God’s love has enchanted my heart,

and I can never leave You again.